I remember 'helping' Grandma with the laundry, pretending her washing line was the sail of my ship and hoisting it up and down. She loved adventures, real and imaginary!
20th May 2020
My memory is of of a happy bustling Auntie Gill, always chatty, always interested in others. A very happy memory is meeting up at Grandma's in Portsmouth with Auntie Gill, Uncle Bob, Alan and Tracey and my Mum and me (Dad too if he was not at sea) and We would head down to the seaside, often Old Portsmouth and walk and chat and run about and then go back to a wonderful tea at Grandma's. Always looked forward to their visits . Rest peacefully. Love Mary xx
19th May 2020
(A lovely memory and thought from Carole Lea, Mum's Guiding friend, she was a great help and support to Mum).
It is a sad time for all of us we will miss Gill but we have so many memories to cherish over many many years, so what can be better than that.
In 1978 we moved here to H.W. and as usual my daughter joined Brownies, I got my Warrant "as you do" and went to Brownies Revels in Miss West's Garden at Freith for a Seaside Theme. We were one of the first packs's to get there so were unpacking our stuff looked up and there was Gill waving Oakridge Flag dressed in a Bathing Costume. We had such a laugh most of us just had Summer Hats on Gill was so much fun.
19th May 2020